Monday, July 31, 2006

Yet Another Reason Why You Should Never Rent From TPM

We moved out at the beginning of June and surprisingly got our deposit check this weekend....but don't get too optimistic. Our deposit was $500.....but they took out $108 for carpet cleaning,so we got less than $400 back. Ok.....I don't know who they use to clean their carpets, but honestly....$108 for 500 square feet? I think they can find something cheaper than that. Don't they usually take out $50-$60 bucks?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was desperate for a place, as I had just come back from an internship and school was starting in a few days. I rented a room in one of the crappy little duplexes on 700 E 700 N. Well, where to begin… the first night, I woke up to the odd sound of dripping. I turned on the lights to see yellow water coming from my ceiling, which was sagging quite a bit, directly onto my new printer, as well as my bed. It dripped for nearly a day before I finally just took a screwdriver and opened a hole in the center of my sagging ceiling and put a bucket underneath it. My bed smelled of urine for the rest of the year because of this.

A few months later, I woke up to what sounded like someone showering. I thought this was odd, considering that it was three in the morning. Then, I heard the telltale dripping sound on my poor printer again, and I went upstairs to find that a pipe to the toiled had literally exploded, and was shooting water uncontrollably in the bathroom. It could not be turned off. By this point, it had REALLY saturated the walls, and you could hear the water rushing down the walls and hitting the concrete, and it sounded like white water rapids. I had well over a thousand dollars worth of computer stuff alone that I hustled to move out as we called TPM. Half an hour later, someone comes out and shuts off the water to the house, inspects the problem, and told us that it looked like it hadn’t been maintained really well, i.e. negligence. At this point, my ceiling sagged almost a foot from its original location, I had enough standing water in my room to completely cover my feet, and a foot-deep sinkhole in part of my room developed. In my opinion, this was OBVIOUSLY a case of neglect and was downright dangerous, but the management later denied that their maintenance person said anything about the pipes being poorly maintained. They did not fix the ceiling in the basement, nor did they do anything for the subsequent rot or mildew. I lived in my car for several days afterward until enough water had been pumped out of my room that it wouldn’t get in my shoes when I walked in. They just laughed when I suggested that because of their poor maintenance I should be reimbursed for any personal property damage.

Fortunately, I had not paid a security deposit, so I didn’t so much as vacuum the place as I left. The water caused my printer to go south, as well as a router, a hub, a spare hard drive, and other computer parts. In the little "For Rent" sign out front, I took out all of their little brochures, and put in some of my own with digital pictures that detailed my problems there. If I can save one person from the horrors of TPM, I'll feel even with them.

6:51 AM  

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